Our franchise is based on the reciprocity and commitment between two independent business units with complementary skills.
On the one hand, bed's knows thoroughly who our potential customer is and how to attract them into the store. On the other hand, the franchisee is in charge of turning the basics into real customers, by using their knowledge and good deed.
Both parties work hard to improve every day, helping each store obtain the maximum result in customer satisfaction and the highest turnover rate in the area.
1. Expertise built on more than 35 years experience
Expertise that has helped consolidate our leadership position in retail.
2. High-end products
Anticipating the needs of our customers allows bed's to produce high-end exclusive products from prestigious manufacturers, using the latest technology for a good night's sleep. This is how we differentiate ourselves from the competition and how we improve customer loyalty and retention.
3. Sales performance over the average of the sector
If we analyse all our stores sales performance, our revenue is always over the average of the sector.
4. Constant advertising presence
Our advertising presence is the largest of the sector, launching different product campaigns and sales promotion every month. Our primary goal is to drive foot traffic to all our stores.
5. We work together respecting your decisions
You decide which products to have and sell in your store, within the list of authorized brands. You can request and develop local marketing actions, apart from our own, advised by our Marketing Department and financed by yourself.
6. Buying potential at your disposal
bed's stores puts at your disposal our brand potential index and brand value, selecting prestigious bedding brands and negotiating the best deals with suppliers.
7. Ongoing training by experts
Our ongoing training plan ensures bed's has the best professionals. Training our store staff is vital for us. It is our best investment on our customers, so they can receive the best service and get to know the latest technology for a good night's sleep.
8. Exclusive territory
Each bed's store is granted with exclusive rights within its area of influence, developing their business successfully without other franchise owners.
9. Uninterrupted assistance from our team
We will provide you with information and assistance for anything related to the development of your business. Legal, accounting, IT, marketing or advertising advice... we know everything about our business.
10. Direct contact and full support
As a franchisee, you will have direct local contact with a franchise representative, whose aim is to solve any questions that may arise in the daily development of your business.